22 Jul 2021

2021: FCPA WEBINAR, JULY 22, 2021

The AMLFC Institute Board of Regents hereby invites you to participate in the first of two (2) Members Complimentary Webinars for 2021:

Webinar Topic: The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) – Anti-Corruption & Anti-Bribery: Vicarious Liability and the Risks Posed by Third

Parties When: Time: Thursday July 22^’, 2021 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EST

Most violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act’s (FCPA) anti-bribery provisions are the result of conduct of third parties acting on behalf of companies.

Many companies have the mistaken belief that, unlike employees, they cannot be held liable for the conduct of third parties. But they can be held liable. And, unlike employees, the conduct of third parties is especially difficult to monitor and control.

This misunderstanding and the challenge of controlling the conduct of third parties has led to countless violations of the FCPA as the result of the conduct of third parties.

How and why companies are being held vicariously for the conduct of third parties
Why it does not matter if a company lacks knowledge
Why are companies subject to greater exposure for third parties than employees
What companies need to consider to avoid liability
What practical steps can companies take to reduce the chances of being held liable


Mr. Stuart H. Deming – AMLFC Institute Member, principal with DEMING PLLC Washington, D.C./Michigan

Mrs. Patricia Marinho – AMLFC Institute Member, Compliance Director – LatAm and Central America of Willis Towers Watson, Miami, Florida