25 Apr 2022

The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Settles with Toll Holdings Limited for $6.1 M Related to Apparent Violations of Multiple Sanctions Programs

April 25th, 2022, “Toll Holdings Limited (“Toll”), an international freight forwarding and logistics company headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, has agreed to pay $6,131,855 to settle its potential civil liability for 2,958 apparent violations of multiple OFAC sanctions programs. The apparent violations occurred when Toll originated or received payments through the U.S. financial system involving sanctioned jurisdictions and persons. These payments were in connection with sea, air, and rail shipments conducted by Toll, its affiliates, or suppliers to, from, or through the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Iran, or Syria, or the property or interests in property of an entity on OFAC’s list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons. The settlement amount reflects OFAC’s determination that Toll’s apparent violations were non-egregious and voluntarily self-disclosed. This case highlights that foreign companies who use the U.S. financial system to engage in commercial activity must take care to avoid transactions with OFAC- sanctioned countries and persons”.

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