April 2nd - 4th, 2025

AMLFC Institute: Eighth Anti-Money Laundering & Financial Crimes Prevention Hybrid Conference

AMLFC Institute Conference registration:

  • Certificate of Attendance
  • Digital copy of conference presentations
  • Audio recordings (when authorized by speaker)
  • Plated Hot Breakfast (3)
  • Coffee breaks with catered snacks (5)
  • Plated Lunch (2)
  • Complimentary Networking Cocktail Reception (1)
AMLFC Hybrid Conference

April 2nd, 2025


AMLFC & ComplianceAid Hybrid Combo

April 3rd – 4th, 2025


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Chrome (120), Firefox (120), Safari (15.0.1) or above these versions

Discounts are available via professional associations

The Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crimes (AMLFC) Institute is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.

AMLFC Institute and the ComplianceAid are registered sponsor on the NASBA National Registry of CPE Sponsors. The recommended CPE credits for this conference are in accordance with NASBA standards.

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Details Price Qty
1 Day Hybrid Conference: AMLFC Instituteshow details + $549.00 USD  
3 Day Combo: AMLFC Institute & ComplianceAid Hybrid Conferenceshow details + $1,459.00 USD  
please select a datetime

Online event registration and ticketing powered by Event Espresso

Recommended Browsers for Registration: Chrome (78), Firefox (70), Safari (13.0.1)

Refund policy: Conference registrants may cancel if written cancellation requests are received at least 60 days prior to the start of scheduled programs. A credit voucher less 50% of the registration fee will be issued for written requests received up to 30 days prior to the start of scheduled programs. No refunds or credits are issued on cancellation requests received less than 30 days prior to the start of scheduled programs. Refunds shall incur a processing fee of $100.00 USD.

Complaints should be addressed to Michelle Martin via email at michelle@amlfc.institute.

The Eighth AMLFC Institute Hybrid Conference will take place on Wednesday April 2nd, 2025 at the AKA Brickell, Hotel Miami, This conference will host experts providing practical knowledge for executing or administering AML/CFT/CFP/FCP/ABC procedures.

Beyond complying with the AML/CFT/CFP annual training requirements, this conference will provide participants a unique opportunity to personally engage with regulators and other experts. This personal contact will allow for a better understanding of the approach to enforcement in their respective jurisdictions.

Attendees are expected from Amsterdam, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Cayman Islands, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Curaçao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Dubai, French Guiana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Kuwait, Martinique, Mexico, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Saba, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saudi Arabia, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten, Suriname, The Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, United States, United States Virgin Islands United Kingdom, Europe, Africa and Venezuela.


The conference organizers are inviting board members, business owners, CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CROs, auditors from all regulated industries operating in the Americas, including Attorneys, Accountants, Broker Dealers, Car Dealerships, Casinos & Gaming, Commercial Banks, Credit Institutions, Credit Unions, Dealers in High Value & Luxury Goods, Dealers of Precious Metal, Art or Jewelry, Development Banks, Import & Export Businesses, Insurance Companies, International Banks, Money Value Transfer Services, Mortgage Companies, Offshore Banks, Real Estate, Service Providers, Travel & Leisure, Trust & Company, etc.
Regulators, Government Officials, Members of Parliament, Public Servants and Managers of State Owned Companies are also invited to register.


  • Earn up to 18 CPEs recognized by NASBA
  • Acquire CPEs
  • Comply with mandatory AML/CFT/CFP/BSA/OFAC/ABC Sanction annual training requirements
  • Network with key regulators
  • Opportunity to host a board meeting abroad
  • Network with key business executives facing similar challenges
  • Deductible travel expenses in most jurisdictions
  • Free time to enjoy Miami business, shopping and vibrant culture


  • Identify country-specific issues often encountered in AML/CFT/CFP/BSA/OFAC/ABC Sanction
  • Identify country-specific trends related to AML/CFT/CFP Regulation
  • Identify threats associated with Trade-Based Money Laundering
  • Describe the steps utilized in conducting AML/CFT/CFP Investigations
  • Identify current trends in Financial Crimes Prevention (FCP)
  • Identify current trends in AML/CFT/CFP/FCP Transaction Monitoring
  • Identify emerging technology for AML/CFT/CFP Compliance programs; Facial Recognition (FR), Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML)
  • Identify current trends in Enterprise Risk Management, Corporate Governance and Ethics
  • Identify current trends in Digital Assets, FinTech and Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
  • Identify current trends related to De-risking and Correspondent Banking Relationships (CBR)
  • Identify best practices for meeting the requirements of Sanctions
  • Identify and describe recent enforcement actions related to FCPA, Anti Bribery & Anti Corruption violations
  • Identify best practices for meeting the requirements of FATCA/CRS
  • Identify best practices for meeting the requirements of Cybersecurity/Privacy/GDPR
  • Cryptocurrency & The Metaverse
  • Environmental Social & Governance (ESG)


The AMLFC Institute: Eighth Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crimes Prevention Hybrid Conference is organized by amlfc.institute. The AMLFC Institute offers professionals, regulators, law enforcement the opportunity to earn certifications in the field of Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT), Countering the Financing of Proliferation (CFP), Financial Crimes Prevention (FCP). It partners with a network of universities promoting quality education and high standards of ethics. Its global certification scheme produces a wider pool of knowledgeable workers that is recognized internationally. The AMLFC Institute’s curriculum delivers to the marketplace individuals with practical knowledge of the field, able to work for the private sector, regulators, enforcement agencies and governments. The Chairman & CEO is Antigua born Michelle Martin, CAMLFC, CAMS, MACC, ACA. More information can be found at: https://amlfc.institute

April, 2nd Type Presentations Title Speakers
07:30 – 08:30 Registration
08:30 – 08:40 General Session Welcome, Invocation & Opening Remarks Ms. Michelle Martin, Chairman & CEO, AMLFC Institute and ComplianceAid, Antigua & Barbuda/Florida

Mr. Gideon Apé, Pastor, Christ Fellowship, Miami, Florida

08:40 – 09:40 General Session Panel Managing Money Laundering Risks In Digital Payments. How’s Your Onboarding Process? Mrs. LaTeisha Sandy, Director, Financial Intelligence Unit, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Mr. Frank Morisano, AMLFC Institute Board of Directors,Managing Partner, Chief Financial Officer, NextAML Compliance Solutions, New York

Ms. Ilieva Ageenko, AMLFC Institute Board of Directors,Todus Advisors, C-Suite Advisor and Consultant, North Carolina

09:40 – 10:40 General Session Panel Interdepartmental Collaboration: Annual Know Your Employee (KYE) Review – Whose responsibility is it really? Mr. Matthew Langevine, Director, Financial Intelligence Unit, Guyana

Mrs. Leni Ysaguirre McGann, Director, Financial Intelligence Unit, Belize

Ms. Susan S. François, AMLFC Institute Board of Regents, AML Consultant, Former Director, Financial Intelligence Unit, Trinidad & Tobago

10:40 – 11:00 Networking Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:00 General Session Panel Managing the Tension: Regulators, Board, Management, Compliance, Audit: Bottom-Line Profit vs Compliance Ms. Carla James, Executive Director, Financial Services Authority, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Ms. T’sa James-Hodge, Chairman, BVI Association of Compliance Officers, Director, National Bank of the Virgin Islands, Tortola, British Virgin Islands

12:00 – 1:00 Networking Lunch
01:00 – 03:30 General Session AML-CFT-CFP-FCP-ABC Sanction Simulation (trending typologies over various regulated industries) Mrs. Amrita Singh-Henriques, AMLFC Institute Member, Guyana

Mr. Dylan Marin, AMLFC Institute Member, Former Senior Intelligence Analyst, Financial Intelligence Unit, Trinidad & Tobago

Mr. Patrick George, AMLFC Institute Board of Regents, NRA Coordinator, Senior Financial Investigator/Analyst, Financial Intelligence Unit, Commonwealth of Dominica

03:30 – 03:50 Networking Coffee Break
03:50 – 04:55 General Session Panel Practical Steps of Artificial intelligence (AI) in Transaction Monitoring, Investigation and Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR) Mr. Roberto Orozco, SVP Risk & Compliance, Terrabank, Florida

Mr. Don Lee, AMLFC Institute Board of Regents, President, FinWebTech, Jamaica/ Florida

Mr. Andrew Tennant, AMLFC Institute Board of Directors, Director, Gentium UK, United Kingdom

04:55 – 05:00 General Session Closing Remarks Ms. Michelle Martin, Chairman & CEO, AMLFC Institute and ComplianceAid, Antigua & Barbuda/Florida
April, 3rd Type Presentation title Speakers
07:30 – 08:30 Registration
08:30 – 08:40 General Session Welcome & Opening Remarks Ms. Michelle Martin, Chairman & CEO, ComplianceAid and AMLFC Institute Antigua & Barbuda/Florida
08:45 – 09:30 Keynote Address General Session Building Resilience: Strengthening Compliance for a Sustainable Financial Future Honourable Lorna Smith, OBE, Former Deputy Premier and Minister for Financial Services, British Virgin Islands
09:30 – 10:15 General Session Fifth Round Mutual Evaluation: Regional Outlook Ms. Dawne J. Spicer, Executive Director, Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF), Trinidad and Tobago
10:15 – 10:45 Networking Coffee Break
10:45 – 11:45 General Session Panel How the Market in Crypto-Assets Regulations (MiCA/MiCAR) going to change the EU Digital Assets Eco System? Will this have an impact on your clients? Ms. Simone Martin, Director Special Projects, Financial Services Commission, Tortola, British Virgin Islands

Dr. Jeremy Stephen, MSc. DIC. BSc., AMLFC Institute Board of Regents, Barbados

11:45 – 12:45 General Session Panel Citizenship and Residency by Investment Programs The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. How’s Your Third Party Risk Assessment? Ms. Heidi-Lynn Sutton, Regulator, Financial Services (Regulation and Supervision) Department, Nevis Island Administration, Nevis

Mr. Patrick George, AMLFC Institute Board of Regents, NRA Coordinator, Senior Financial Investigator/Analyst, Financial Intelligence Unit, Commonwealth of Dominica

Ms. Adrienne Lodge, Chief Operating Officer, NFC Global, Pennsylvania

12:45 – 01:45 Networking Lunch
01:45 – 02:45 General Session Panel A New Era in Sanctions Targeting Third Country Sanction Evaders Ms. Stacyann Shaw Goodridge, Education Chair, British Virgin Islands Association of Compliance Officers, Tortola, British Virgin Islands

Mr. Stanley Foodman, AMLFC Institute Board of Regents, CEO, Foodman CPAs & Advisors, Florida

Ms. Mariah Rodriguez, Managing Director, BDO, Florida

02:45 – 03:30 General Session Panel Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO), Legal Persons (FATF Rec 24) and Legal Arrangements (FATF Rec 25) Mrs. LaTeisha Sandy, Director, Financial Intelligence Unit, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Ms. Susan S. François, AMLFC Institute Board of Regents, AML Consultant, Former Director, Financial Intelligence Unit, Trinidad & Tobago

03:30 – 04:00 Networking Coffee Break
04:00 – 04:55 General Session Panel Compliance Officer’s Risks and Responsibilities in a High-Risk Ecosystem. We make Risk Assessment for the Entity but we never make a Risk Assessment for the Compliance Officer Function. To file or not to file is it worth risking my life? Mr. Dylan Marin, AMLFC Institute Member, Former Senior Intelligence Analyst, Financial Intelligence Unit, Trinidad & Tobago

Mr. Don Lee, AMLFC Institute Board of Regents, President, FinWebTech, Jamaica/ Florida

Mr. Roberto Orozco, SVP Risk & Compliance, Terrabank, Florida

05:00 – 06:00 General Session Regulators Round up: What’s Expected from Businesses for 2025 All Regulators
06:15 – 07:15 Networking Cocktail
April, 4th Type Presentation title Speakers
08:30 – 09:10 General Session Panel Selecting the appropriate Risk Methodology for your Business Risk Assessment. What can Make-it-or -Break-it your Compliance Program? Mr. Frank Morisano, AMLFC Institute Board of Directors,Managing Partner, Chief Financial Officer, NextAML Compliance Solutions, New York

Mr. Douglas Sloan, AMLFC Institute Board of Regents, SME, Gentium UK, United Kingdom

09:10 – 09:45 General Session Panel Third party Due Diligence for Virtual Assets Service Providers and Travel Rule Mr. Warrick Ward, CEO, Financial Services Commission, Barbados

Ms. Simone Martin, Director Special Projects, Financial Services Commission, Tortola, British Virgin Islands

09:50 – 10:50 Break Out Session Industry Specific Break Out Session to include requirements, trends/typologies, red flags, fraud, risks and mitigating techniques under AML/CFT/CFP/FCP/ABC Sanctions:
1. Financial Institutions (Banks, Credit Unions, Money Service Business, Securities/Broker Dealers, Insurance Industry, etc.) Correspondent Account Due Diligence, Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Transparency, Recent Development in Sanctions and Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption 1. Ms. Michelle Martin, Chairman & CEO, ComplianceAid and AMLFC Institute Antigua & Barbuda/Florida
Mr. Lorenzo Delzoppo, Director, ComplianceAid & AMLFC Institute Advisory Board, Florida
2. Gaming and Gambling Operators (Casinos and On-line Gaming, mobile, sports betting) Focus on Sports Betting and Online Gambling Key Developments, trends/typologies, red flags, fraud, risks, mitigating techniques under AML/CFT/CFP/FCP/ABC Sanctions 2. Mr. Andrew Tennant, AMLFC Institute Board of Directors, Director, Gentium UK, United Kingdom
Ms. Adrienne Lodge, Chief Operating Officer, NFC Global, Pennsylvania
3. DNFBPs (Attorneys, Accountants, Real Estate, Accountants, Jewelers, Trust and Company Managements Services , etc.) Industry Focus on the requirements, trends/typologies, red flags, fraud, risks, mitigating techniques under AML/CFT/CFP/FCP/ABC Sanctions 3. Mrs. Leni Ysaguirre McGann, Director, Financial Intelligence Unit, Belize
Mr. Warrick Ward, CEO, Financial Services Commission, Barbados
4. Regulators: Keeping up with the evolving regulatory supervision, monitoring and enforcement landscape Focus on the National Risk Assessment 4. Ms. Heidi-Lynn Sutton, Regulator, Financial Services (Regulation and Supervision) Department,Nevis Island Administration, Nevis
Ms. Carla James, Executive Director, Financial Services Authority, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
10:50 – 11:20 Networking Coffee Break
11:20 – 12:20 Break Out Session 1. Whistleblower Evolution to Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) 1. Mr. Stuart H. Deming, AMLFC Institute Member, principal with DEMING PLLC, Washington, D.C./Michigan
Mr. Yoon Chong, Managing Partner, Chong Teo Associates LLC, Professor Yoon Chong, NYU, New York
2. Practical Steps on How to Incorporate Human Trafficking (HT), Proliferation Financing (PF), Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) into your entity’s Know Your Customer (KYC) Program 2. Mr. Matthew Langevine, Director, Financial Intelligence Unit, Guyana
Mr. Douglas Sloan, AMLFC Institute Board of Regents, SME, Gentium UK, United Kingdom
3. Board of Directors Oversight: Key Focal Point for 2025 3.Ms. Michelle Martin, Chairman & CEO, ComplianceAid and AMLFC Institute Antigua & Barbuda/Florida
Mr. Lorenzo Delzoppo, Director, ComplianceAid & AMLFC Institute Advisory Board, Florida
12:20 – 12:30 General Session Closing Remarks Ms. Michelle Martin, Chairman & CEO, ComplianceAid and AMLFC Institute Antigua & Barbuda/Florida



AKA Brickell, Hotel Miami (Formerly Conrad Hotel) has been selected as the 2025 Conference Venue.

The AKA Brickell Hotel luxury property is located in the heart of Miami’s booming Brickell district. Brickell is Miami and South Florida’s major financial district. Referred to as the “Manhattan of the South”, it is home to the largest concentration of international banks in the United States. Brickell is a dense, high-rise residential neighborhood with many upscale luxury condominiums and apartment towers and is home to several of Miami’s top restaurants, shops and places of entertainment. AKA Brickell, Hotel Miami is less than 5 minutes from downtown Miami. Downtown Miami is home to the Adrienne Arsht Center which hosts the Miami City Ballet and Florida Grand Opera, the Pérez Art Museum Miami shows contemporary art and top restaurants and shops.

The conference organizer have secured free internet access in the conference hall and guest rooms. Complimentary transportation to nearby malls will be available at the end of the conference.

A discounted group rate of USD $309 per night plus taxes is available to conference participants until Friday, March 14th, 2025. The conference organizer has secured free internet access in the conference hall and guest rooms. Complimentary transportation to nearby malls will be available at the end of the conference.
For assistance with Room Reservation please email: Petra Christie at pchristie@stayaka.com.

Book Now

Nearby Attractions from AKA Brickell, Hotel Miami

  • Brickell City Center Shopping and Restaurants
  • Bayside Marketplace Shopping and Restaurants
  • Bayfront Park
  • FTX Arena
  • Maurice A. Ferré Park
  • Wynwood Art District
  • Adrienne Arsht Center
  • Miami Design District
  • Miami Marlins Park
  • Port of Miami
  • Miami Beach
Cocktail Networking Reception at the AKA Brickell, Hotel Miami Pool Deck/ Corporate Lounge Thursday April 3rd, 2025
Shopping Experience to Dolphin Mall 1:00pm ET Friday April 4th, 2025
The conference is supported by the following partners:

The Caribbean Confederation of Credit Unions (CCCU) is the apex trade association for financial co-operatives in the Caribbean. We currently serve credit union organizations in sixteen English speaking Caribbean countries offering financial education to credit unions and its members.

The Caribbean Association of Banks Inc. (CAB) is a community of banks and other financial institutions in the Caribbean/CARICOM Region, which proactively influences issues impacting the financial services sector through advocacy, education and networking.

The British Virgin Islands Association of Compliance Officers (“BVIACO”) aims to foster a culture of compliance in the jurisdiction. It is the BVIACO’s ultimate goal to contribute to the reputation of the British Virgin Islands as a highly attractive and regulated international financial centre.

The Insurance Association of the Caribbean (IAC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and growth of the Caribbean Insurance Industry through research, education and advocacy.
Caribbean Bar Association The mission of the Caribbean Bar Association (The “CBA”) is to serve and support the legal profession and to promote good relations among lawyers, the judiciary, and the Caribbean-American community

The South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (SFLHCC)Caribbean Bar Association was founded on July 21, 1994, with the mission of promoting the continued growth and development of the Hispanic business community and to serve as a resource center and forum to advocate for Hispanic and Minority-owned businesses.